Dec 21, 2016
Today we talk about different props that you can use to really get the most out of your game! We also give our thoughts on the spell Phantasmal Force and it's near infinite uses. Last but not least we give you examples that you can bring with you on your next adventure through our Unearthed Tips and Tricks segment!
Dec 14, 2016
Our podcast was created to provide guidance to our heroes and provide them with new and reusable material for both players and DMs. We hope to inspire you with creative content that you can bring with you on your next adventure.
Our first segment we answer a question from redditer Ankoku_Teion on how to encourage...
Dec 7, 2016
In this episode we discuss at length the plethora of option you have available to you to customize your character. We will hear a question from redditer Angrycannibal. In addition we will discuss a the pros and cons of taking a feat vs the stat increase.
In our unearthed tips and tricks segment we discuss the character...