Jul 28, 2021
"We love playing RPGs because they offer an escape from the mundane. One of the biggest components of our enjoyment is getting the chance to encounter and interact with incredible creatures. Learning about what makes a creature tick--whether we're engaged in combat with it or negotiating a price for goods--stimulates...
Jul 21, 2021
💜 Back Capes and Crooks: A 5e Superhero RPG on Kickstarter Today! https://www.critacademy.com/capesandcrooks ENDs 7/29/21
The fantastic Youtuber and Dungeons and Dragons content creator Zipperon Disney joins us to talk Galder's Gazetteer! This is a close personal project of his and we are excited to have him on to...
Jul 7, 2021
The legendary Dungeon Dudes joins Crit Academy to talk about their homebrew world Dungeons of Drakkenheim and its record breaking Kickstarter project!
If you don't know, Dungeons of Drakkenheim follows the conflict and comedy-filled adventures of a brash prince, a streetwise survivor, and a meddlesome mage as they...