Feb 28, 2018
We break down the new Wizard arcane tradition in the new WotC supplement "Xanathar's Guide to Everything"
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Our show may not be suitable for children, but neither is our
D&D game.
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Feb 21, 2018
We breakdown the new warlock pacts from the WotC new "Xanathar's Guide to Everything"
Make sure to subscribe at www.critacademy.com for a chance to win free prizes.
Our show may not be suitable for children, but neither is our
D&D game.
Become a patreon doner! www.patreon.com/critacademy and help
support the show. Get...
Feb 14, 2018
We break down the new sorcerer origins in the new WotC supplement "Xanathar's Guide to Everything"
Make sure to subscribe at www.critacademy.com for a chance to
win free prizes.
Our show may not be suitable for children, but neither is our
D&D game.
Become a patreon doner! www.patreon.com/critacademy and help
Feb 7, 2018
Make sure to subscribe at www.critacademy.com for a chance to
win free prizes.
Our show may not be suitable for children, but neither is our
D&D game.
This week we break down the new Range archetypes in WotC's new supplement "Xanathar's Guide to Everything".
Today we take a look at the Rogue archetypes in the...